Quality Is
Our Forte

With distinct American flavor and a versatile lineup of offerings, Tyson Fresh Meats is committed to providing the very best in beef.

Crafted With Finesse

Our beef for the European market is produced in Nebraska, the heart of Midwestern USA. Our dedication to quality, versatility and service means uniformity, high yield and jaw-dropping flavor.

Uniquely American

Our products have a flavor that comes from Midwestern USA beef. Cattle are raised in America’s heartland and unlike anything in the European market. Expect a unique eating experience with ample beef marbling, tenderness and juiciness.

Third-party Verifications

  • Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC)
  • Beef Quality Assurance (BQA)
  • USDA regulations
  • British Retail Consortium (BRC)

Graded for Deliciousness

Top quality grades contribute to a satisfying eating experience. Learn more about how the U.S. evaluates beef quality.

Star Ranch Angus logo

Star Ranch Angus® Beef

See the business-boosting benefits of 
our all-American, 100% Angus beef.

ibp Trusted Excellence logo

ibp Trusted Excellence® Beef

Stock an iconic brand with decades of expert service and quality beef.

Halal logo

Halal Beef

We are proud to provide halal beef offerings.